Customer Testimonials

Please send your own customer reviews to us via our contact page.

“Great service and communication from beginning to end. We were first timers when it came to shipping a boat and the process could not have been easier with American Auto Transport. They delivered on time and were thorough in documenting everything before and after delivery. Would definitely use them again!””

Michael and Gail Royster, Clear Lake, Texas



“Efficient and professional every step of the way! I had my Harley-Davidson cruiser shipped from Los Angeles to Texas for a rally last summer and it was not only cheap, their customer service was great. They mentioned a discount for multiple bikes, which allowed me to find others in L.A. who were going to the rally and we saved a ton with a bulk rate by having them all delivered together. Top notch all the way!”

Leo Gossett, Glacier Vehicles Los Angeles



“I operate several car dealerships in the tri-state area and frequently have to ship inventory from Texas and California to New York, Jersey & Conn. AAT has great pricing to begin with and offered a terrific bulk rate that’s saved me considerable operating cost over the years. One of the best in the business and highly recommended for any business or individual moving a car.”

Doug, Poughkeepsie, NY



“My husband and I go to Florida each winter and we like to have our RV with us for camping. Last year, we decided against the long drive and decided to have our RV hauled by American Auto Transport. It was a revelation to us that this was even an option! It was so easy, affordable and fast that we plan on doing the same thing this year.”

Laurie Collins, Madison, Wisconsin



“We live in Pennsylvania and our son went to college on the west coast, which meant he either needed to drive his car across the country, or we had to have it hauled. After getting a free quote from American Auto Transport, I was shocked at how cheap it was–definitely cheaper than the cost of gas and hotels over several days of driving. Even better, I didn’t have to worry about my 18-year-old on the road by himself with a packed car for several days!”

Doris McGruder, PA


American Auto Transport